Start Transaction (Token)

To start a transaction with a token (FA1.2), the user must first make a transaction to authorize the Escrow smart contract to spend a certain amount of tokens.

In this example we have an ad with the following information:

  • Marketplace id : marketplaceId1

  • Ad id : adId1

  • Price of the ad (excluding fees) : 1 token => 1000000000000000000

  • Seller's address : tz1LfdftiaLDS1HePbuVFYVD3WZe3BFtA2qz

The fee for this token is 1%, the user must first make a transaction to authorize the smart contact to spend the total amount (price+fees) 1,01 tokens => 1010000000000000000

//Approve escrow contract
await (await token.methods.approve(escrow.address, 1010000000000000000).send()).confirmation(1)

//New transaction
 await (await escrow.methodsObject.startTransaction({

The token used has 18 decimal

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